Friday, September 25, 2009

Mum Recipe Cards Are Back

Another quick note this morning... the Personalized Mum Recipe Cards have been out-of-stock for a while, but this week I was able to print more. Now there are six more sets of each color available in the shop, just itching to have names printed on them. Just so you know.

Giveaway Winner

Thanks, everyone, for entering for the seed packet giveaway, and for all the kind comments. The winner is number 23, Lili. Congratulations! I'm so glad you all stopped by to visit this week, and hope you'll come back again soon.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Seed Packets (+ Giveaway!)

As I've said before, I often create something with a particular person in mind. These are for Glenn. Glenn was connected to me even before I was born, but it wasn't until after I became a mother myself that I really met him. His wife, Eleanor, was childhood friends with my grandmother. Then my parents happened to move to Wyoming, where Glenn and Eleanor lived, when I was a toddler. We didn't live there long, but Glenn and Eleanor stayed in touch with my parents and grandparents through the years.

My grandfather passed away shortly after my daughter arrived, and when family and friends gathered for the funeral, Glenn and I were reintroduced. He discovered my amateur interest in gardening, and I learned he was a Master Gardener. The following autumn, a package arrived on my doorstep from him. Inside were rolled-up paper bags, folded envelopes, and old prescription bottles full of seeds that he had gathered from his magnificent garden to share with me. Carrots, dill, larkspur, columbine and so many others – a wonderful gift from a terrific man.

Glenn passed away a couple of years ago, but I think he would have liked the idea of these little seed packets. I think he would have found them a handy way to pass along the bounty and knowledge from his garden to a burgeoning gardener like me.

I said awhile back that I'd do another giveaway, so here we go. I'm offering up a set of Personalized Seed Packets to a random winner – for yourself, or for you to give as a gift to someone special. I'll use a random number generator to pick the winner on Friday morning, September 25, 2009 at 9:00 am CST. Please leave a comment below to enter, and be sure to check back then so I can get the necessary info from you. Thanks for entering.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Come on in...

The new shop is now OPEN!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Moving Woes

I'd hoped to have the new site open for business this morning, but it looks like it will be later this evening. Oh, the joys of DNS addresses. Thanks for your patience, and please come back to visit tonight or tomorrow morning...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A New Twist on Old Maid

A while back, I joined a social network for industrious printer gals called Ladies of Letterpress. It's a diverse group of all sorts of girl printers who trade news, advice, and support. One of the other members, the talented Kathryn Hunter of Blackbird Letterpress in Baton Rouge, organized a letterpress swap over the summer. Participants each designed and printed a pair of cards for a deck of Old Maid. We came up with any character we wanted to, designed and printed 35 pairs, and sent them all to Kathryn to be collated and returned to us as a full deck. One of the requirements Kathryn set forth was that the pair of cards be slightly different from one another – they could be different illustrations, different colors, etc. – just different somehow.

Here is the first card of my pair:

And its mate:

Here they are together for comparison:

Friends will see the autobiographical nature of my character, I'm sure. I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of the full deck...

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Petite Press Shop is moving.

Virtually, that is. The shop will be closed on Wednesday, September 16th and Thursday, September 17th as I work out the kinks to move everything over to a new system. I'll reopen the shop on Friday, September 18th with a fresh, new look, and a few new items. Please come back then to see the new digs!